Flocking For Foster Care

Ready, Set, FLOCK!

Join us in this fabulous feathered frolic to support teens in foster care and those aging out of foster care. With your help, we’ll turn frowns into feathers and gloom into a glorious gaggle of opportunities! Here are three terrific ways to jump on the flocking bandwagon:

Flamingos can only migrate to Davidson, Williamson and Wilson Counties.

  1. SEND A FLOCK – Spread smiles by surprising your neighbors, local businesses, or family members with our fabulous flamingos! Just a few clicks and you’ll have the whole neighborhood gawking at your friends lawn. Let’s flock together and raise awareness about the needs of foster teens in our community.
  2. MIGRATE A FLOCKDid you get flocked and want to keep the flocking fun going by migrating it to someone you know? Don’t let the fun stop! Spread the joy and keep the flock flying high by passing on the feathered frenzy to friends, family, or anyone who could use a splash of color in their day. Let’s keep the flocking fun alive
  3. GO BIG! Send or Migrate an EXTRA LARGE Flock of 30+ Pink Flamingos!

Be sure to check out our FAQ and instructions below. It’s time to don your feathers and let’s make a difference, one flock at a time! It’s a flocking good time! Happy flocking! 

FLOCKING AIN’T EASY– Just kidding it’s totally easy! 

  1. Complete your flocking/migrating or XL flocking order. Click the button below. 
  2. You will receive an automated email to submit where you want the flock to land with that person’s basic contact information. Remember they must be located in Davidson, Williamson or Wilson counties. Please check your spam! If you still do not see it, click here to complete your order. 

That’s it – you’re done! 

Next, we will secretly deliver the flock to the yard of your choice, along with a letter explaining why there is a flamboyance (a group of flamingos) in their yard, how long it will be there and who to call if there are any concerns.

Be sure to follow us on all the social media channels to see the video/picture of your flocking surprise.

Email flocking@jonathanspath.org if you have any questions.

Welcome to the Flocking FAQ  (Feathered Antics & Queries)!

Here are some answers to your burning questions about all things flocking:

Q: Can I flock my own yard? 
A: Absolutely! Let the flocking begin right at home.

Q: How do I send a flock?
A: Click the button to pay and the flock will be on their way off to make someone’s day. See above for exact details.

Q: What’s the deal with Flamingo Flyers? 
A: Flamingo Flyers are volunteers who lead the flock from place to place, spreading smiles and laughter along the way. Gather your friends or family and join the flocking adventure!

Q: Can I share my flocking experience on social media? A: Absolutely! Snap some photos of your flocking fun and share them on social media using #JonathansPath #Flocking for Foster Care and tag us!

Q: How do I get the flock to migrate quickly?
A: No problem, just reach give us a call or email and we will move the migration out today.

Have more questions? Feel free to contact us! 


  1. Teen Leadership: The flocking program is led by the teens and young adults of Jonathan’s Path. They take charge of the operations, learning valuable business and marketing skills along the way. 


  1. Volunteer Support: Our dedicated volunteers work alongside our youth leaders, providing guidance, oversight, and support throughout the program. They help ensure everything runs smoothly and provide valuable mentorship.


  1. Hands-on Experience: Through the flocking program, participating youth have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in various aspects of business and marketing. From planning and organizing to executing and evaluating, they learn valuable skills that will benefit them in future endeavors.


Overall, our flocking program is not just about spreading joy through flamingo flocking; it’s also about empowering youth, fostering leadership, and providing valuable opportunities for personal and professional growth.