Walk 100 – November 19th – November 20th

Every path starts with a single step! Come out and support the Jonathan's Path team lead by Personal Best Fitness Trainer, Brandon Holt, on our 100-mile walk to bring awareness to and raise funds for Jonathan's Path. Jonathan’s Path is the only organization that offers stable placement and full wrap-around services from the moment a […]

Wine, Charcuterie & Jonathan’s Path (Private Event)

Special thanks to Jacki & Zach Montroy for hosting a wine and charcuterie event in their home for their friends and family to learn more about Jonathan's Path. If you're interested in hosting an event with your friends and family, email us at Carrie@jonathanspath.org.

Field Day Cookout (Private Event)

A special invitational only event for some very special teen foster boys in Middle Tennessee! REGISTRATION IS FULL! On June 8th, the VYMC will host an event in collaboration with Jonathan’s Path, a non-profit that supports teen’s in the TN foster care system with wrap-around services to support these deserving youth all the way through […]

Creekside Cocktails & Cuisine – Benefitting Jonathan’s Path

https://youtu.be/Itdmi1D9KQ4 Jonathan’s Path is hosting our inaugural Creekside Cocktails & Cuisine to bring awareness to, and raise funds for, teenagers currently in or aging out of foster care in Middle Tennessee. Join us for an enchanted evening under the stars with scrumptious food by BAMFoods, tasty cocktails and mocktails, and the best musical entertainment Nashville has […]

12 Days of Giving with Tennessee’s First Lady Maria Lee

12 Days of Giving with Tennessee's First Lady Maria Lee We're so excited to announce that Jonathan's Path has been chosen as 1 of the 5 nonprofits in the state to showcase a custom Christmas tree at the Tennessee Residence during the 12 Days of Giving! Holiday tours are a favorite tradition at the Tennessee […]

2nd Annual VYMC Holiday Party (Invitation Only Event)

Vrabel Young Men’s Collaborative, VYMC, is partnering with Jonathan’s Path to host their 2nd Annual Holiday Party for 25 very deserving teen boys in foster care! Registration is now open for teen boys in foster care (13+) that have shown exemplary behavior, good grades and overall positivity despite being in foster care. Foster parents, social […]